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Questionnaire definition files:
A Variety of medical and psychological questionnaires
Please note:
Before downloading a file, please check whether it was already contained in a package which might have been previously installed at your system. The package "ANYPAK.EXE", available from the software library, contains a number of questionnaire-definition-files in a preconfigured way, comfortably accessible via the Start-Menu after installation.
To adapt the electronic versions of the questionnaires to the presentation using the QL-Recorder, they were modified compared to the paper based questionnaires they resemble. Before you use an electronic questionnaire, you should get hold of the respective paper version and compare the contents of the electronic version against it. Moreover, you should check the correct function of the result computation algorithms.
Before you may use certain quality of life questionniares, you are obliged to contact their respective copyright owners to find out about their policies.
The following questionnaire definition files are sorted alphabetically:
e-Mail -» ACT - Asthma Control Test
- Files: actde.qdw, actde.pdq, actde.pds, actde.pdc Datum: 20.10.2006
- Contents: This Questionnaire definition file is based upon the Asthma Control Test supported by GlaxoSmithKline. At the moment, it is available upon individual request for a small number of colleagues within the MedViP II Project.
Download -» BI - Barthel Index (German)
- File: bi.qdw Date: 22.10.1999
- Contents: This QDF is based upon the Barthel Index.
Please check with the authors for a permission to use this questionnaire.
e-Mail -» eIBSQOL - an integrated package available through GlaxoWellcome plc.
- Medium: Booklet with CD-ROM Date: October 1999, January 2000, June 2000, October 2000
- Contents: This package contains paper based and electronic versions of the IBSQOL (Quality of Life in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome) questionnaire and of the Rome-II-Criteria in 19 language configurations, including Greek, manuals and all required, pre-configured software.
- Contact: Please direct inquiries regarding the eIBSQOL CD-ROM to:
Ms. Rhoda Luer, Global Health Outcomes, Glaxo Wellcome R&D, Fax: +44 (0) 208 966 2193, e-mail: rl30622@glaxowellcome.co.uk
e-Mail / Download -» EORTC QLQ-C30 Version 3.0 Core Questionnaire (20 language versions)
- Files: eQLQ - Page for members of the EORTC Study group on Quality of Life, c30v3afr.qdw, c30v3arg.qdw, c30v3asf.qdw, c30v3asm.qdw, c30v3bre.qdw, c30v3dan.qdw, c30v3dut.qdw, c30v3eng.qdw, c30v3fin.qdw, c30v3frf.qdw, c30v3frm.qdw, c30v3frn.qdw, c30v3ger.qdw, c30v3itf.qdw, c30v3itm.qdw, c30v3nor.qdw, c30v3por.qdw, c30v3spf.qdw, c30v3spm.qdw, c30v3swe.qdw Date: 10.10.1999
- Availability: QDFs have been prepared for 20 language versions of the QLQ-C30 Version 3.0. In April 2001, an arrangement with the EORTC QoL Group was made which will result in the availability of QLQ-C30 related questionnaire definition files as part of the eQLQ to users who have registered with the EORTC QoL group. eQLQ modules for language versions and QLQ modules not available yet can be made relatively easy upon individual request.
- Contents: These QDFs are based upon a quality of life core questionnaire published by the EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life.
The layout of the QDFs for version 3.0 has been improved against the layout for version 2.0. Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the EORTC to obtain a permission.
- Contact: EORTC, EORTC Quality-of-Life-Group
- Information/User's agreement: EORTC QLG information page regarding the QLQ-C30 and its modules
- Literature: EORTC QLQ-C30
- A practical hint: If you wish to use the QLQ-C30 together with one of the modules below, e.g. the QLQ-LC13, use: File-Clear, File-Load-c30, File-Load-lc13. As soon as you close AnyQuest for Windows, this arrangement will be saved in anyquin.ini and both questionnaires will be loaded automatically when you open it next time. If you did not know this, please read AnyQuest for Windows' help-file; at least complete the tutorial for questionnaire users. :-)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-C30 Version 2.0 Core Questionnaire (English)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-C30 Version 2.0 Core Questionnaire (French)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-C30 Version 2.0 Core Questionnaire (German)
- File: c30v2e.qdw, c30v2f.qdw, c30v2d.qdw Date: 03.10.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: This QDF is based upon a quality of life core questionnaire published by the EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the EORTC to obtain a permission.
- Contact: EORTC
- Literature: EORTC QLQ-C30
- A practical hint: If you wish to use the QLQ-C30 together with one of the modules below, e.g. the QLQ-LC13, use: File-Clear, File-Load-c30, File-Load-lc13. As soon as you close AnyQuest for Windows, this arrangement will be saved in anyquin.ini and both questionnaires will be loaded automatically when you open it next time.
If you did not know this, please read AnyQuest for Windows' help-file; at least complete the tutorial for questionnaire users. :-)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-BR23 Breast Cancer Module (English)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-BR23 Breast Cancer Module (French)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-BR23 Breast Cancer Module (German)
- File: br23e.qdw, br23f.qdw, br23d.qdw Date: 03.10.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: This QDF is based upon a breast cancer module complementing the above QLQ-C30 core questionnaire published by the EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the EORTC to obtain a permission.
- Contact: EORTC
Download -» EORTC QLQ-LC13 Lung Cancer Module (English)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-LC13 Lung Cancer Module (French)
Download -» EORTC QLQ-LC13 Lung Cancer Module (German)
Download -» EORTC modified QLQ-LC13 Lung Cancer Module (German), unapproved, unvalidated
- File: lc13e.qdw, lc13f.qdw, lc13d.qdw, lc13djms.qdw Date: 03.10.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: This QDF is based upon a lung cancer module complementing the above QLQ-C30 core questionnaire published by the EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the EORTC to obtain a permission.
- Please note: Some wordings in lc13djms.qdw deviate from the officially approved version 1.0 of the QLQ-LC13 and have not yet been validated or approved by the EORTC Study Group on Quality of Life.
- Contact: EORTC
Download -» EuroQOL
- File: euroqol.qdw Date: 30.08.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: A European Quality of Life Questionnaire.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the authors to obtain a permission.
Download -» EuroQOL - LASA
- File: euroqol2.qdw Date: 12.09.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: A European Quality of Life Questionnaire - a linear analogue scale to obtain utility values.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the authors to obtain a permission.
e-Mail -» GCSS - Green Climacteric Symptom Scale (German)
e-Mail -» GCSS LASA - Green Climacteric Symptom Scale in a LASA/VAS-Version (German)
- File: gcss.qdw, gcsslasa.qdw Date: 29.03.2000
- Availability: These files are available, but as I am not in contact with the copyright owners of the paper questionnaire, but not distributed on the WWW or on CD. I can supply them to you as soon as you have registered for the use of the paper questionnaire with its copyright owners.
- Contents: Questionnaires to record postmenopausal symptoms.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the authors of the original paper version to obtain a permission.
- Literature: Green JG. Stress at the climacterium: assessment of symptomatology. In: Sarasen IG, Spielberg CO (eds). Stress and anxiety. Wiley, New York, 1979;7:127-137
Download -» Glasgow Coma Scale (English)
Download -» Glasgow Coma Scale (German)
- File: glasgow.qdw, glasgowd.qdw Date: 09.01.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: This QDF is based upon the Glasgow Coma Scale.
As you know, this is no questionnaire for self assessment.
Download -» HAD Scale (English, old version)
Download -» HAD Scale (English)
e-Mail -» HAD Scale (German)
e-Mail -» HAD Scale (French)
- File: hadscale.qdw Date: 15.12.1996 - 20.10.2001
- Contents: This QDF is based upon the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.
It shows how AnyQuest supports vertical arrangement of answers.
Please check with the authors for a permission to use this questionnaire.
- Literature: HAD Scale
Download -» International Breast Cancer Trials Group Visual Analog Scales (English)
- File: ibct.qdw Date: 15.12.1996 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: This QDF is based upon a quality of life questionnaire published by the IBCT group.
Shows how AnyQuest for Windows supports Visual Analogue Scales (VAS, LASA)
Please check with the authors for a permission to use this questionnaire.
Download -» MFI-20 Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (English)
e-Mail -» MFI-20 Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (German)
- File: mfi20e.qdw, mfi20d.qdw Date: 03.10.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: This QDF is based upon a Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory by Smets, Garssen, Bonke, de Haes.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the authors to obtain a permission.
- Literature: A literature reference is given in the copyright notice included in the file.
Download -» MLHFQ - Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (English)
e-Mail -» MLHFQ - Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (German)
- File: mlhfqe.qdw, mlhfqd.qdw Date: 25.07.2000
- Availability: The German version is available, but as the paper version is distributed by MAPI under a special user agreement, I do not distribute the questionnaire definition file on the WWW or on CD. I can supply it to you as soon as you have registered for the use of the paper questionnaire with MAPI.
- Contents: A questionnaire to judge the quality of life of patients with heart failure.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with the authors of the original paper version to obtain a permission.
- Contact: The address of the MAPI institute is given in the copyright notice included in the file with the English version.
- Literature: A source of a literature reference is given in the copyright notice included in the file with the English version.
Download -» MOCI - Obsessive Compulsive Tendency
- File: moci2.qdw Date: 12.09.1997 - 24.03.2000
- Contents: A questionnaire which is used for counselling by Dr. Ken White, Florida.
Before you use this questionnaire, please check with its author to obtain a permission.
e-Mail -» MOS SF-36 - Medical Outcomes Trust Short Form (German, English, French, Chinese)
- File: sf36e.qdw, sf36d.qdw (outdated), sf36en.qdw, sf36de.qdw, sf36fr.qdw, sf36chn.qdwDate: 19.01.1997 - 05.03.2010
- Contents:QDFs based upon the SF-36 quality of life core questionnaire from the Medical Outcomes Study in the version provided by the IQOLA project.
Updated SF-36 questionnaire definition files in German, English and Chinese are included in the anypak.exe software package from the software library on this site, French may be available upon individual request. The current version computes all results according to the scoring manual (SF-36 standard scoring). According to the scoring manual, and according to the coordinator of the IQOLA answering an inquiry to John Ware, this questionnaire can be used royalty-free; please review additional notes in the "History" inside the file.
- Contact: SF-36, IQOLA
- Literature: SF-36
e-Mail -» MOS SF-12 - Medical Outcomes Trust Short Form (German, English, French, Chinese)
- File: sf12e.qdw, sf12d.qdw (outdated); sf12en.qdw, sf12de.qdw, sf12fr.qdw, sf12chn.qdw (current) Date: 29.03.2000 - 05.03.2010
- Contents: This QDF is based upon the even shorter form SF-12.
Updated SF-12 questionnaire definition files in German, English and Chinese are included in the anypak.exe software package from the software library on this site, French may be available upon individual request. The current version computes all results according to the scoring manual. According to the manual, and according to the coordinator of the IQOLA answering an inquiry to John Ware, this questionnaire can be used royalty-free; please review additional notes in the "History" inside the file.
- Contact: SF-36, IQOLA
- Literature: SF-12
Download -» Pain VAS - Visual analog pain scale (English)
Download -» Pain VAS sm - Visual analog pain scale with smileys (English)
Download -» Pain VAS - Visual analog pain scale with smileys (German)
Download -» Pain VAS sm - Visual analog pain scale with smileys (German)
- File: paine.qdw, painsmie.qdw, paind.qdw, painsmid.qdw Date: 28.03.2000
- Contents: A visual analogue scale to let the patient indicate the strength of his pain. Together with AnyQuest's capability to generate a cumulative printout for recent assessments of an individual patient, this may be useful to evaluate the effectiveness of a pain therapy.
Download -» QWB-SA - Quality of Well-Being Scale, Self Administered Version (English)
Download -» SAQLI - Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Inventory (English)
Download -» SAQLI - Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life (Netherlands)
- File: saqlien.qdw, saqlinl.qdw Date: 16.09.2001, 11.03.2007 (Update and AnyQuest 3.09 recommended)
- Contents: This questionnaire definition file was created by myself as a first step in a project with colleagues at Geneve, Switzerland. Please note that this questionnaire definition file is different from the first SAQLI implementation which remains available below. Before you use this questionnaire, please check with its author to obtain a permission.
- Contact: W. Ward Flemons MD, FRCPC, flemons@ucalgary.ca
A contact address is also included in the copyright-note inside the questionnaire definition file.
- Literature: Flemons WW, Reimer MA. Development of a disease-specific health-related quality of life questionnaire for sleep apnea. AM J RESPIR CRIT CARE MED 1998;158:494-503.
Download -» SAQLI - Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Inventory (Dutch)
- File: saqli_d.qdw Date: 29.07.2000
- Contents: This questionnaire definition file was created by Danny Rouckhout, University Hospital Antwerp. Please note that this questionnaire definition file is different from the recent SAQLI implementation available above. Before you use this questionnaire, please check with its author to obtain a permission.
- Contact: Danny Rouckhout, danny.rouckhout@uza.uia.ac.be
W. Ward Flemons MD, FRCPC, flemons@ucalgary.ca
- Literature: Flemons WW, Reimer MA. Development of a disease-specific health-related quality of life questionnaire for sleep apnea. AM J RESPIR CRIT CARE MED 1998;158:494-503.
Download -» SI - Spitzer Index (German)
- File: si.qdw Date: 22.10.1999
- Contents: This QDF is based upon the Spitzer Index.
Please check with the authors for a permission to use this questionnaire.
- Literature: Spitzer WO, Dobson AJ, Hall J, Chesterman E, Levi J, Shepherd
R, Battista RN, Catchlove BR: Measuring the quality of life of cancer patients:
a concise QL-index for use by physicians. J Chron Dis 1981; 34:585-597
Download -» Sociodemographic data (French)
- File: socdemfr.qdw Date: 10.08.2001
e-Mail -» Epworth Scale (French)
- File: epworfr.qdw Date: 19.08.2001
- Availability: I do not distribute the questionnaire definition file on the WWW or on CD at the moment. However I can supply it to you upon request by e-mail.
e-Mail -» MRF28 - "Magueri Foundation" Respiratory Failure Item Set (French)
- File: mrf28fr.qdw Date: 17.08.2001
- Availability: I do not distribute the questionnaire definition file on the WWW or on CD at the moment. However I can supply it to you upon request by e-mail.
e-Mail -» QSQ - Quebec Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Questionnaire (French)
- File: qsqfr.qdw Date: 13.10.2001
- Availability: I do not distribute the questionnaire definition file on the WWW or on CD at the moment. However I can supply it to you upon request by e-mail.
e-Mail -» QSQA - Quebec Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Questionnaire, abbreviated version (French)
- File: qsqabrfr.qdw Date: 13.10.2001
- Availability: I do not distribute the questionnaire definition file on the WWW or on CD at the moment. However I can supply it to you upon request by e-mail.
e-Mail -» SGRQ - St. Georges Hospital Respiratory Distress Questionnaire (French)
- File: sgrqfr.qdw Date: 13.08.2001
- Availability: I do not distribute the questionnaire definition file on the WWW or on CD at the moment. However I can supply it to you upon request by e-mail.