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Collection of available questionnaire definition files
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What are *.QDW-files?
A questionnaire definition file can be recognized by its filename extension ".QDW" (Questionnaire Definition file for AnyQuest for Windows) or ".QDT" (Questionnaire Definition file in plain Text format). It contains, among other things, information regarding questions, answers, layout, flow control, and computation formulas in a language developed for AnyQuest for Windows. You can load one or multiple ("battery", set of questionnaires) questionnaire definition files and afterwards present them to patients. These steps can be automized, as you can prepare multiple configurations including different sets of questionnaires and other parameters in advance, and keep them available on your computer or network. You can also generate your own questionnaire definition files. They can exist as clearly readable text files or in binary format.
The questionnaire definition files listed here can either be downloaded directly from this side, or you are informed where they can be obtained. Additionally, there is information about and links to the homepages of makers of quality of life questionnaires.
Please note:
Before downloading a file, please check whether it was already contained in a package which might have been previously installed at your system.
In the process of adapting electronic versions of the questionnaires they were modified as needed to ensure consistency of content and appearance for the presentation in an electronic form. So they are not a 1:1 copy of any questionnaires they resemble. Before you use an electronic questionnaire, you should get hold of the respective paper version and compare the contents of the electronic version with that. Moreover, you should check the correct function of the result computation algorithms.
In no case do the available questionnaire definition files claim to be perfect or officially authorized adaptations of the paper questionnaires they resemble.
Before you may use certain quality of life questionniares, you are obliged to contact their respective copyright owners to find out about their policies.
Please note that I do not supply paper questionnaire forms.
This library lists adoptions of instruments which can be deployed as (sometimes interactive) electronic questionnaires on a Quality-of-Life Recorder with AnyQuest for Windows / AnyQuest for Java / AnyQuest Server.
Permission to use a certain instrument, a paper version, manuals etc. can regularly be obtained from its original authors. They are either identified below, or in the questionnaire history of a .qdw file, or you can locate them via Google or PubMed.
Questionnaire definition file vs. complete configuration
Apart from the questionnaire definition file(s) proper, a complete configuration for a defined questionnaire administration task may include:
- a start menu entry or other link to bring up that configuration conveniently,
- a configuration file specifying the included questionnaire definition files, additional configurable parameters, like patient identification data and other metadata to be collected, target for data storage, targets for automatically produced results (printout, PDF etc.),
- elements to control of external interfaces (barcode scanners, card readers, clinical information systems / electronic patient records or generic databases/DBMS) etc.
- audio (wav) files for "talking" or musical questionnaires (e.g. for illiterate patients or those with reduced vision),
- image (bmp) files for background images, pre-rendered text with fancy elements, smileys or other graphic elements or imagery,
- external software components called before, during or after questionnaire administration,
- scripts to control layout, labels, reference values, headers and footers etc. of automatically produced computed results in detail, usage
- site specific features like images (logos) to include on automatically produced result printouts etc.,
- additional aids like custom configurations for programmed automatic data extraction, -pseudonymization and -export, or customization tools e.g. for multiple study centers,
- a suitable subdirectory structure to organize the above mentioned elements.
A questionnaire definition file can provide a working electronic questionnaire by itself. A complete configuration, however, provides more features, more comfortable handling, easier interpretation of results, and observes corporate identity related requirements.
The programm jssplash supports the creation of simple graphic menus to select e.g. questionnaires or languages, or configurations for various patient groups. It is used in the standard package anypak.exe and can replace the MS Windows shell after automatic login, in order to obtain a secure configuration of a system. It is perfectly suitable for touch screens and Tablet-PCs, including the Microsoft SurfacePro or Fujitsu Stylistic models.
Overview of available questionnaire definition files
Demonstration questionnaires
Patient satisfaction with care
- For the practice setting: An exemplary questionnaire (in German) is included in the evaluation package anypak.exe from the Software-Library.
- For the hospital setting: Elektronic version of the KombiDox patient questionnaire for satisfaction with care in the in-patient setting - Integrated package on CD (in German), including manuals and all necessary required software. Prepared in co-operation with Galileon Health Care Consulting for the DGÄQ meeting 2008. Comprehensive documentation can be downloaded from the Docs+Support section.
Routine assessment of QoL and patient satisfaction with care with respect to recommendations by the ANQ Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung
- Time of assessment (admission / other / discharge) (German)
- DropOut Documentation (German)
- BSCL - Brief Symptom Checklist (German)
- GAD-7 - Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (German)
- PHQ-9 - Patient Health Questionnaire 9, depression screening (German)
- POC18 - Satisfaction with Care Questionnaire (German)
- HoNOSCA - Health of the Nation Outcomes Scales for Children and Adolescents (German)
- WHODAS 2.0 - WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (German)
Medical questionnaires
- eIBSQOL - an integrated package made available through GlaxoWellcome plc., including paper based and electronic versions of the IBSQOL (Quality of Life in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome) questionnaire and of the Rome-II-Criteria in 19 language configurations, including Greek, manuals and all required, pre-configured software
- eSIRO - electronic version of the Stress Index RadioOncology (German), implemented as an integrated package on a complete CD-ROM, including configurations for direct use by patients, for fast evaluation of paper questionnaires, and for data analysis and data export. It was developed for a project by Prof. P. Herschbach et al. in Munich with support of the Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.
eQLQ - an electronic version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and several of its modules in several language versions offered in co-operation with the EORTC QoL Group. These resources are available as pre-configured, self-installing packages, and accompanied by a very practical, short manual. Please register with the EORTC QoL Group before using the QLQ-C30.
- ACT - Asthma Control Test (German)
- BI - Barthel Index (German)
- BORG Scale (German)
- EORTC QLQ-C30 Version 3.0 Core Questionnaire (English, French, German, Dutch/Netherlands, Swedish, and about 20 other language versions)
- EORTC QLQ-C30 Version 2.0 Core Questionnaire (English, French, German)
- EORTC QLQ-BN20 Brain Tumor Module (German)
- EORTC QLQ-BR23 Breast Cancer Module (English, French, German, Dutch)
- EORTC QLQ-C38 / CR38 Colorectal Cancer Module (German)
- EORTC QLQ-CR29 Colorectal Cancer Module (German)
- EORTC QLQ-ELD14 Elderly Patients Module (German) (PRO-ONKO Projekt, University of Halle, Germany, Dr. H. Schmidt, PMID: 26676238)
- EORTC QLQ-HN35 / H&N35 Head-and-Neck Cancer Module (English, French, German, Dutch)
- EORTC QLQ-LC13 Lung Cancer Module (English, French, German, Dutch)
- EORTC modified QLQ-LC13 Lung Cancer Module (English, French, German, Dutch), unapproved, unvalidated
- EORTC QLQ-LMC21 Liver Metastases Module (German)
- EORTC QLQ-OH15 Oral Health Module (German)
- EORTC QLQ-PAN26 Pancreatic Cancer Module (English)
- EORTC QLQ-STO22 Gastric Cancer Module (German)
- EMQ4 - E.M.'s questions related to giving birth (German)
- EMSOZDEM - E.M.'s soziodemographic questions (German)
- EPDS - Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (German)
- Epworth Scale (German, French)
- EuroQOL
- EuroQOL - LASA
- GDS - Global Deterioration Scale (German)
- GCSS - Green Climacteric Symptom Scale (German)
- GCSS LASA - Green Climacteric Symptom Scale LASA/VAS-Version (German)
- Glasgow Coma Scale (English, German)
- HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (English, French, German)
- IBCT International Breast Cancer Trials Group Visual Analog Scales (English)
- MDASI - M. D. Anderson Symptom Inventory (German) (PRO-ONKO Projekt, University of Halle, Germany, Dr. H. Schmidt, PMID: 26676238)
- MFI-20 Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (English, German)
- MLHFQ - Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (German, English)
- MOCI - Obsessive Compulsive Tendency (English)
- MOS SF-36 - Medical Outcomes Trust Short Form (English, German)
- MOS SF-12 - Medical Outcomes Trust Short Form (English, German)
- MRF28 - "Magueri Foundation" Respiratory Failure Item Set (French)
- Pain VAS - Pain visual analog scale (English, German)
- Pain VAS sm - Pain visual analog scale with smileys (English, German)
- QSQ - Quebec Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Scale (French)
- QSQA - Quebec Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Scale, abbreviated version (French)
- QWB-SAE Quality of Well-Being Scale, Self Administered Version (English)
- SAQLI - Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Inventory (Dutch/Netherlands, English)
- SES - Pain-Reception-Scale (German)
- SGRQ - St. George's Hospital Respiratory Distress Questionnaire (French, German)
- SI - Spitzer Index (German)
- Sociodemographic data (French)
- WHOQOL-BREF (German)
In the specialty of gastrointestinal cancer and surgery, enhanced configurations have been prepared in order to adopt the following instruments. Technical feasibility has been proven, but for the time being they are not available externally:
- GIQLI - Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (Eypasch et al.)
- CACP - Continence score
- CCS - Incontinence score
- OBS - Obstipation score
- OLS - Outlet obstipation score
- Sociodemographic data, diagnosis and therapy
Psychotherapeutic questionnaires
Questionnaire definition files for the following psychotherapeutic instruments have been generated in co-operation with the Forschungsstelle für Psychotherapie, Stuttgart, for use with the quality assurance system AKQUASI which has been developed there. With these questionnaire definition files, data can be collected using AnyQuest and afterwards imported into AKQUASI. In this process, patients can fill in their questionnaires themselves at the computer (preferrably using a touch-screen or a pen-computer). If you are interested in using AKQUASI or one of the following questionnaire definition files, please contact Ms. Dipl. Dok. Anke Herrmann. The questionnaire definition files are currently available in the German language, only, but international versions can be generated upon request.
- Time of assessment
- Basic documentation (2 parts)
- Patient history
- Impairment score
- GBB 24 Gießener Beschwerdebogen (Short form)
- IIP-D (64 Items)
- Use of several sources of support
- Bodily symptoms
- Questions regarding Quality-of-Life
- Current problems
- Current well-being
- Psychic and social symptoms
- SCL-90-R
- Questions regarding the course of therapy (Patient)
- Questions regarding the course of therapy (Therapist)
- Dismission questionnaire (Patient)
- Dismission questionnaire (Therapist)
In the specialty of child psychiatry and -psychotherapy, enhanced configurations have been prepared in order to adopt the following instruments. Technical feasibility has been proven, but for the time being they are not available externally:
- YSR - Youth Self Report; scoring includes direct scale values, T-values and percentile rank
- CBCL - Child Behaviour Checklist; scoring includes direct scale values, T-values and percentile rank
- SDQ - Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire
- ILK Ratingbogen - Inventory for assessment of quality of life in children and adolescents
Feedback-informed therapy (Scott Miller, FIT)
To evaluate the usability of the QL-Recorder, a self-installing package was created for the Sonnenhalde-Klinik in Riehen, including adoptions of the following questionnaires with nicely designed graphic result printouts:
- SRS - Session Rating Scale (German)
- ORS - Outcome Rating Scale (German)
Assessment of the quality of training courses
Assessment of the quality of clinical trials