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Jörg Sigle's
Curriculum Vitae

This page provides a very brief overview plus listings of publications and other scientific contributions with hyperlinks.
Please refer to a CV available as PDF document for additional information.
Education and professional training
Since 1991 | Professional work in the field of IT and Medicine |
2014 - 2015 | Clinical residency in Internal Medicine at the rehabilitation hospital St. Chrischona, Dr. Markus Klink |
2003 - 2005 | Scientific assistant at the Department of Family Medicine / General Practice at the University of Göttingen, Prof. Michael M. Kochen |
2001 - 2002 | Clinical residency in a rural general practice, Dr. Wolfgang Streibl |
1997 - 1998 | Scientific assistant at the AG Klinische Ökonomik der University of Ulm, Prof. Franz Porzsolt |
1990 - 1997 | Studies of Medicine at the University of Ulm |
Since 1983 | Experience in publishing, photography, electronics and IT |
Professional emphasis
Development of software to meet special requirements e.g. in the medical field, project planning and management, user support
Measurement of the benefit of medical interventions
Improvement of medical education and teaching for students and professionals
- 1996 participation in the course "How to teach and practice Evidence based Medicine" by Prof. David Sackett, Oxford
- Participation in student education at the Universities of Ulm, Bayreuth and Gottingen
- Conception of EBM courses, course materials, and participation in teaching
Concept of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder at the Cancer Center of the Uni of Ulm; and consequentially:
- 1993: Practical implementation by the software AnyQuest for DOS
- 1996: Development of AnyQuest for Windows during a PJ-Tertials (internship)
with Prof. Alan Coates, Sydney
- 1998: Doctoral thesis: "Practical aspects of quality-of-life measurement: The standardized measurement of quality-of-life in outpatients using an electronic Quality-of-Life-Recorder"
- Conception and maintenance of the WWW Site www.ql-recorder.com
- Generation of various electronic adaptions of questionnaires on health related quality of life and patient satisfaction with care
- Addition of interfaces to IT systems for practices and clinics, and QM-systems, analysis tools, documentation and training materials, online-database for assessment results
- Participation in studies deploying the QL-Recorder in routine care and research projects, including the support of a number of doctoral thesesatabase for assessment results
- 2009: •••Awarded the Lilly Quality-of-Life Prize 2009•••
Scientific publications and contributions to books
- Sigle JM, Porzsolt F: Practical aspects of measuring quality of life: design and feasibility of a Quality-of-Life-Recorder and representative data collection in an out-patient clinic, Onkologie, 18 (supplement 2): 74 (1995)
- Sigle JM, Porzsolt F: Practical aspects of quality-of-life measurement: design and feasibility study of the quality-of-life recorder and the standardized measurement of quality of life in an out-patient clinic, Cancer Treatment Reviews 22 (supplement A): 75-89 (1996);PMID: 8625353
- Porzsolt F, Wölpl CP, Sigle JM, Rist CE: Lebensqualität unter moderner Pharmakotherapie, Excerpta Oncologica Ciba, 4: 75-87 (1996)
- Sigle J, Porzsolt Franz: When will we have electronic patient files?, ESPO Newsletter 11, 7-10 (1996)
- Sigle JM, Porzsolt F: Znormalizowana ocena jakosci zycia w ambulatorium Ocena konstrukcji i przydatnosci elektronicznego rejestratora jakosci zycia. In: Meyza L (Ed.): Jakosc Zycia W Chorobie Nowotworowej. Centrum Onkologii, Warzsawa, 147-166 (1997)
- Sigle J, Porzsolt F: Metastasen bei unbekanntem Primärtumor - Diagnostisches Ziel und Vorgehensweise bei Patienten mit Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP), Münch Med Wschr 139: 667-672 (1997)
- Sigle J, Porzsolt F: High dose chemotherapy in solid tumours - patient advocacy point of view, Oncology Nurses Today (7 europäische Ausgaben) 3: 14-15 (1998)
- Porzsolt F, Sigle J: Evidence-Based Medicine: Interpretation von Studienergebnissen zu therapeutischen Verfahren, Münch. Med. Wschr. 140: 15-18 (1998)
also in:
Perleth M, Antes G (Ed.): Evidenz-basierte Medizin, Wissenschaft im Praxisalltag, MMV Medizin Verlag München, ISBN 3-8208-1333-0, 37-47 (1998)
Perleth M, Antes G (Ed.): Evidenz-basierte Medizin, Wissenschaft im Praxisalltag, MMV Medizin Verlag München, 2., aktualisierte Auflage, ISBN 3-8208-1345-4, 37-47 (1999)
- Porzsolt F, Göttler S, Leonhardt-Huober H, Ohletz A, Sellenthin C, Sigle J, Sponholz G, Thim A, Baitsch H: Evidence-Based medicine in der Inneren Medizin. Terminologie, Ziel, Konzept, Implementierung und Perspektive. Internistische Praxis, 41: 463-474 (2001)
- Porzsolt F, Greimel E, Sigle J, Eisemann M: Lebensqualität. In: Höffken, K, Kolb G, Wedding U (Ed.): Geriatrische Onkologie. Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-67411-X, 141-151 (2001)
- Sigle J: Lebensqualitäts-Recorder. In: Wilhelm HJ (Ed.): Direkt übernehmbare Vorlagen zum Qualitätsmanagement im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen. Forum Verlag (2001)
- Sigle J, Wilhelm HJ: Medizinisches Qualitätsmanagement. In: Lehman T, Meyer zu Bexten E (Ed.): Handbuch der medizinischen Informatik. Carl Hanser Verlag, ISBN 3-446-21589-1 (2002)
- Sigle J: Elektronisch unterstütztes Outcome Measurement. In: Beuth J (Ed.): Grundlagen der Komplementäronkologie. Hippokrates Verlag/Thieme Verlagsgruppe, ISBN 3-8304-5261-6 (2002)
- Sigle J: Lebensqualitäts-Recorder. In: Viethen JG (Ed.): QM-Checklisten für das Gesundheitswesen. Forum Verlag (revised edition, 2002)
- Sigle J: Elektronische Erfassung von Daten zur Lebensqualität. In: Porzsolt F, Williams AR, Kaplan RM (Ed.): Klinische Ökonomik. Effektivität & Effizienz der Gesundheitsversorgung in Klinik und Praxis. Ecomed Verlag, 292-309, ISBN 3-609-16148-5 (2003)
- Porzsolt F, Kojer M, Schmidl M, Greimel E, Sigle J, Richter J, Eisemann M: Fremdbewertung: Messung der Lebensqualität von Hochbetagten mit schwerer Demenz. In: Porzsolt F, Williams AR, Kaplan RM (Ed.): Klinische Ökonomik. Effektivität & Effizienz der Gesundheitsversorgung in Klinik und Praxis. Ecomed Verlag, 310-321, ISBN 3-609-16148-5 (2003)
- Höhmann D, Hager ED, Sigle J: Prognostische Signifikanz von EORTC QLQ-C30 Daten für Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom. DZO 2003; 35: 59-69 (2003)
- Wetzel D, Scheidt-Nave C, Rogausch A, Heidenreich R, Sigle J, Himmel W, Scheer N, Niebling W, Böckmann H, Kochen MM, Hummers-Pradier E: Medizinische Versorgung in der Praxis (MedViP) - eine Modellstudie zur Verbesserung der hausärztlichen Versorgungsforschung in Deutschland. Z Allg Med, 79: 394-398 (2003)
- Porzsolt F, Kojer M, Schmidl M, Greimel ER, Sigle J, Richter J, Eisemann M: A new instrument to describe indicators of well-being in old-old patients with severe dementia the Vienna List. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2:10 (2004);PMID: 14975057
- Himmel W, Kühne I, Chenot JF, Scheer N, Primas I, Sigle J: Blockpraktikum Allgemeinmedizin: Evaluation des studentischen Unterrichts in Allgemeinpraxen [Modular training in practical medicine: electronic evaluation of student education in general practice]. Gesundheitswesen 66(7):457-61 (2004); PMID: 15314738
- Wetzel D, Himmel W, Heidenreich R, Hummers-Pradier E, Kochen MM, Rogausch A, Sigle J, Boeckmann H, Kuehnel S, Niebling W, Scheidt-Nave C. Participation in a quality of care study and consequences for generalizability of general practice research. Fam Pract, 22(4): 458-464 (2005); PMID: 15814583
- Kuhnhardt H, Dannert E, Porzsolt F, Sigle J: Medizinisches Qualitätsmanagement. In: Lehman T (Ed.): Handbuch der medizinischen Informatik. Carl Hanser Verlag, 2. Edition, 773-814, ISBN 3-446-22701-6 (2005)
- Sigle J: Electronically Supported Outcome Measurement. In: Beuth J (Ed.): Complementary Oncology (English edition). Hippokrates Verlag/Thieme Verlagsgruppe. 80-90 (2005)
- Regine Heidenreich, Wolfgang Himmel, Harro Böckmann,
Eva Hummers-Pradier, Michael M. Kochen, Wilhelm Niebling, Anja Rogausch, Jörg Sigle, Dirk Wetzel und Christa Scheidt-Nave: Elektronische Erfassung von medizinischen Daten
in deutschen Hausarztpraxen: Ein Telefon-Survey [Documentation of electronic patient records (EPRS) in German general practices: a telephone survey]. Z Ärztl Fortbild Qualitätssich 99:573-580 (2005).PMID: 16398199
- Porzsolt F, Stengel D, Sigle J, Eisemann M: Von "Tischlern" und "Bettlern": Sie sollten voneinander lernen [Of desk-economists and doctors at the bedside within a health care system: they should learn from each other]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 18:1000-3 (2007). PMID: 17457785
- Chen TH, Li L, Sigle JM, Du YP, Wang HM, Lei J: Crossover randomized trial of the electronic version of the Chinese SF-36. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 8:604-8 (2007). PMID: 17657865
- Rogausch A, Sigle JM, Seibert AJ, Thüring S, Kochen MM, Himmel W: Feasibility and acceptance of electronic quality of life assessment in general practice: an implementation study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 7:51 (2009). PMID: 19493355
- Schmidt H, Merkel D, Koehler M, Flechtner HH, Sigle J, Klinge B, Jordan K, Vordermark D, Landenberger M, Jahn P: PRO-ONKO - selection of patient-reported outcome assessments for the clinical use in cancer patients - a mixed-method multicenter cross-sectional exploratory study. Support Care Cancer 24:2503-2512 (2016) doi:10.1007/s00520-015-3055-4 Epub Dec. 2015. PMID: 26676238
(Full text via ResearchGate)
Additional publications for which I have not been named as co-author, but have provided completely prepared project specific configurations of the QL-Recorder, including the adoption or creation of of patient questionnaires in a working and feasible electronic form, computation of results and their presentation in a way that clinicians can easily understand, are available at: http://www.jsigle.com/qlr/document/indexe.htm#scientificwork
Contributions to scienific meetings: Selected posters and lectures
- Poster: Tomczak R, Friedrich JM, Staneczek O, Kratzmeier S, Haeberle HJ, Rillinger N, Sigle J: Erhöhung der Körpertemperatur durch Kernspin-Untersuchungen; 75. Deutscher Roentgenkongress, Wiesbaden (1994)
- Lecture: Vorstellung des LQ-Recorders; Begleitsymposium der Fa. Boehringer Mannheim. Deutscher Krebskongress, Hamburg (1994)
- Lecture: Vorstellung des LQ-Recorders; InterPneu, Nürnberg (1994)
- Lecture: "Standardized assessment of quality of life in an out-patient Clinic"; II. Reisensburg Conference on Goals of Palliative Cancer Therapy. Publikation in Cancer Treatment Reviews (1996)
- Lecture: "Standardisierte Erfassung der Lebensqualität bei Ambulanzpatienten"; InterPneu, Nürnberg (1995)
- Poster: "Standardized assessment of quality of life in an out-patient Clinic"; 3. World Congress of Surgery, Kiel (1995)
- Lecture: "Standardized assessment of quality of life in an out-patient clinic"; Jahrestagung der Deutschen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie, Hamburg. Abstract in Onkologie (1995)
- Poster: Kojer M, Schmidl M, Greimel E, Sigle J, Eisemann M, Porzsolt F: Experimental approach towards assessing Quality of Life of old-old patients with dementia; 1st Congress of the Research Network of the European Association for Palliatve Care: "Research and Development in Palliative Care", Berlin (2000)
- Poster: Höhmann D, Hager ED, Sigle J: Prognostic significance of EORTC QLQ-C30 data for patients with pancreatic cancer; Scientific meeting of the Ulm Cancer Center during the Spring meeting of the EORTC-GITCCG: "Prognostic Factors in Colorectal Cancer: Impact of Tumor Biology and Treatment Quality", Ulm (2001)
- Poster: Heidenreich R, Böckmann H, Himmel W, Hummers-Pradier E, Kochen MM, Niebling W, Rogausch A, Sigle J, Wetzel D, Scheidt-Nave C for the MedViP study group, the participating physicians in the KV-Bezirk of Göttingen and the members of the Qualitätspraxen GmbH, Freiburg: To 6205 or not to 6205? EDV-Dokumentation in der Hausarztpraxis: Wer, was, wie, wann?; 37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin e.V. (DEGAM), Travemünde; Abstract in Z Allg Med, 79: 2-38 (2003)
- Lecture: Sigle J, Scheidt-Nave C, Wetzel D, Heidenreich R, Rogausch A, Himmel W, Kochen MM, Hummers-Pradier E für die MedViP Studiengruppe, die Teilnehmenden Ärzte und Ärztinnen im KV-Bezirk Göttingen sowie die Mitglieder der Qualitätspraxen GmbH, Freiburg: Use of electronic patient records for quality assurance in German general practice: The MedViP study; 3rd European Association for Quality in General Practice / Family Medicine (EQuiP) Conference, Heidelberg (2003)
- Lecture: Sigle J, Scheidt-Nave C, Wetzel D, Heidenreich R, Rogausch A, Himmel W, Kochen MM, Hummers-Pradier E: Developing an Infrastructure to use Electronic Patient Records for Research in German General Practice: The MedViP Study. European General Practitioners' Network (EGPRN) Meeting, Gozo/Malta (2004)
- Lecture: Sigle J, Surhoff M, Kochen MM für die MedViP-Arbeitsgruppe
(Abteilung Allgemeinmedizin, Göttingen): Entwicklung einer
universellen Plattform für elektronische Leitlinien und Adaptation der
DEGAM Leitlinie #1: Brennen beim Wasserlassen [Development of a universal platform for electronic guidelines and adoption of the DEGAM guideline #1: Dysuria]; 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin e.V. (DEGAM), Potsdam; Abstract V 22
- Poster: Rogausch A, Sigle J, Thüring S, Kochen MM, Himmel W und die MedViP-II-Studiengruppe: Elektronische Erhebung der Lebensqualität in der hausärztlichen Praxis [Electronic assessment of quality of life in general practice]; 40. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin e.V. (DEGAM), Potsdam; Abstract in Z Allg Med, 82:19 (9/2006)
•••Awarded a poster-prize (2nd rank) of the meeting, a QL-Recorder based project•••
- Lecture (by C T): Chen T, Li L, Sigle J, Du Y: Feasibility and reliability of the electronic version of Chinese SF-36 administered using the Quality-of-Life-Recorder. Abstract in: 2007 International Society for Quality of Life Research meeting abstracts [www.isoqol.org/2007mtgabstracts.pdf]. Quality of Life Research, Supplement, A-86, Abstract #1288
- Lecture (by KP F): Preuß C, Klimm HD, Streibl W, Klimm-Peters F, Sigle JM: V43: Patientenbefragung zur Lebensqualität und Behandlungszufriedenheit für Disease-Management Programme bei Diabetes mellitus: Erste Ergebnisse. Abstract in: 41. Kongress der DEGAM 20.-22.09.07, Berlin. Z Allg Med 82:1-24 (2007)
- Lecture: Sigle J: Presentation of the QL-Recorder to the AG Lebensqualitat; AIO Herbstkongress, Berlin (2009)
- Lecture: Sigle J: The QL-Recorder - A tool for administration of electronic questionnaires to patients in research and routine care. On occasion of the presentation of the Lilly Quality of Life Award 2009; Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg (2009)
- Lecture: Sigle J: Elektronische Patientenfragebögen auf Basis des Lebensqualitäts-Recorders. 23. Kongress der Deutschen Kontinenz Gesellschaft, Köln (2011)
- Lecture: Sigle J: Messung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität in der Routineversorgung: Interpretation und Nutzung der Ergebnisse mit Verwendung von Referenzdaten. III. Hyperthermie-Symposium, Köln. (2011)
Dissertations and diploma thesis making use of the QL-Recorder or applying other technical infrastructure of my design
- Sigle J: [Practical aspects of Quality-of-Life-measurement: Standardized measurement of quality of life in out-patients using an electronic Quality-of-Life-Recorder.] University of Ulm (1993 to 1997)
Development of the QL-Recorder, preliminary studies, routine QL-measurement in more than 1100 out-patients.
Herein complete registration of a defined group of patients, patient-compliance about 96%, completeness of data above 99.9%.
•••The beginning of my work which was awarded the Lilly Quality-of-Life Prize 2009•••
- Gebhard U: Limitations for QL-measurement. Use of the QL-Recorder and questionnaires in patients of the admission ward. University of Ulm (1997)
- Holch S: [Use of the QL-Recorder in in-patients.] University of Ulm (2000)
- Schimitzek C: [Patients' preferences regarding participation in therapeutic decisions in oncology.] University of Ulm.
Use of the QL-Recorder for direct recording of patients answers and as simple input-device for earlier collected paper-questionnaires.
- Braun R: [LQ-KID: Development of a computer based method to evaluate quality of life in chronically ill children and adolescents.] University of Ulm.
(A feasibility-study with the QL-Recorder using a mini-pen-computer)
•••Follow up work by the same group was awarded the Lilly Quality-of-Life Prize 2002•••
- Höhman D: Clinical significance of EORTC QLQ-C30 data for the prognosis of patients with Breast, Pancreatic, Ovarian and Colorectal Cancer. University of Witten-Herdecke (2000)
- Chen, T: The effect of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) on Health Service Utilization of patients with chronic disease. University of Zhejiang, China (2005)
- Thüring S: [Communication of results of individual quality of life assessments in general practice.] Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (2006)
- Preuß C: [Assessment of patient's health related quality of life and satisfaction with care within disease management programmes for Diabetes Mellitus: Development of tools and feasibility study] Universität Heidelberg (2006)
•••Awarded the Schwank-Prize 2007 by the Landesärztekammer Nordbaden•••
- Mautner E: [Pregnancy and birth - medical and psychosocial factors influencing quality of life and wellbeing.] Universität Graz (2008)
•••The poster: Mautner E et al.: Pregnancy and Birth - The impact of medical and psychosocial factors on quality of life and wellbeing. International Society for Quality of Life Research Annual Conference, Montevideo (2008) - earned the New Investigator Award of the conference.•••

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© 1992, 1999-2020 Dr. med. Jörg M. Sigle, Kunstvolle EDV & Elektronik